The Centre for Faith Enrichment was blessed to once again host Fr Robin Koning SJ who presented St Ignatius’ Rules of Discernment in a day event consisting of three consecutive sessions, being concluded by a guided experience of the Exa-men Prayer which helps with the day-to-day discernment of spirits.
A new agency has this week been announced to enable priests and parishes to be supported in worship in addition to the ongoing provision of initial and ongoing formation of people.
Developed over an 18-month period, the new guidelines address common concerns and issues that have arisen in parishes.
To live according to the Bible, said Perth Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey, is to be aware that “we are living in an age of the Risen Lord, the age of the Holy Spirit.”
The aim of the new guidelines for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is to provide a framework from which each parish can develop an RCIA process suited to its particular pastoral needs.
The theme of the Conference invites women to step into the journey with other like-minded Catholic women from all walks of life to be formed and equipped for the challenges of today’s world in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene.
The Rite of Election 2024 Mass, held at St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth is part of an ancient Catholic tradition where the catechumens and candidates are prepared to be received fully into the Catholic Church.
Addressing the scholarship recipients and their guests, Fr Vincent linked Archbishop Hickey’s decision to open a Scholarship in 2013 to his great love for the Scriptures enkindled through a sabbatical year spent in the Holy Land.
Facilitated by visiting scholar Fr Eamonn Conway, the talk series Synodality and The Future of The Catholic Church: A Journey Towards Communion, Participation and Mission was held at the Centre for Faith Enrichment on Thursdays 2 March and 9 March attracted more than 40 participants who were able to ask questions throughout the sessions.
During the five weeks of Lent, four short video messages (in addition to the Introduction from Archbishop Costelloe) speaking about What is Sacramentality, Why we Gather to celebrate Liturgy, Signs and Symbols in the Liturgy and What is Liturgy, were shown in our parish communities. The videos feature Fr Vincent Glynn, Sr Kerry Willison RSM and Mildred Rego.