The Centre for Faith Enrichment was blessed to once again host Fr Robin Koning SJ who presented St Ignatius’ Rules of Discernment in a day event consisting of three consecutive sessions, being concluded by a guided experience of the Exa-men Prayer which helps with the day-to-day discernment of spirits.
A new agency has this week been announced to enable priests and parishes to be supported in worship in addition to the ongoing provision of initial and ongoing formation of people.
Developed over an 18-month period, the new guidelines address common concerns and issues that have arisen in parishes.
Inspired by the office’s mission to preserve important information and ensure governance, Anish saw an opportunity to gain practical experience while contributing to a meaningful cause.
Through their leadership, Joven and Sandra aim to inspire others to join MFC and contribute to its mission of transforming lives and communities through faith and family.
To live according to the Bible, said Perth Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey, is to be aware that “we are living in an age of the Risen Lord, the age of the Holy Spirit.”
The project includes a $7.5 million contribution from the Cook Government to fund 28 new social homes on the site, providing long term housing for people exiting homelessness in the form of self-contained apartments.
As newly appointed Director of Vocations, Fr Joseph Laundy, and Redemptoris Mater Seminary Vice-Rector, Fr Josue Quej Moran step into their new roles, both leaders are committed to nurturing and supporting those called to serve.
Not only does this move reflect best practices in record-keeping, but it also demonstrates the Archdiocese’s commitment to embracing the recommendations of the Royal Commission.