The Archdiocese of Perth’s Safeguarding Breakfast on 9 September, themed ‘Every Child in Every Community Needs A Fair Go,’ was an opportunity for the community to gather and reflect on how far the Church in Perth has come in their efforts to protect children and vulnerable adults within the Catholic setting. By Amanda Murthy.
With just over 10 days to go till the First Assembly of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia, President and Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB is inviting Catholics across Australia to pray with and pray for Council Members during the upcoming first general assembly.
Some of the country’s leading Catholic thinkers have been engaged to support the members of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia when they gather for the First General Assembly early next month.
The Australian Salvatorian family together with the Perth Catholic community, gathered at Saint Mary’s Cathedral for a thanksgiving Mass, to mark several significant events for the Order. The beatification of their founder Blessed Francis Jordan, his 103rd death anniversary, 140 years since their foundation, and the 60th anniversary since the Salvatorian Fathers started their pastoral work in Australia.
The curent Voluntary Assisted Dying debate has created a
new world order for Western Australia. On 23 June, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe published a four page
Pastoral Letter in which he expressed his thoughts
and concerns regarding the new legislation.
The advent of Voluntary Assisted Dying in Western Australia has introduced a totally new feature in the landscape of end-of-life options, and a new challenge for Catholic acute, aged and disability services.