In his address for the 2022 LifeLink Day launch for primary schools, Archbishop Costelloe began by defining the word ‘hero’ as “someone who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.”
Welcome to Issue 36 of The Record Magazine.
Our thanks to our sponsors Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund for their ongoing support. This issue features a special report on Monsignor John Hawes, whose cause for canonisation is being put forward by the Diocese of Geraldton. Exclusive to this issue is our report that the Archdiocese of Perth is set to build a program of discernment for the formation of Permanent Deacons.
Catholic school students have celebrated LifeLink Day in virtual space, this year, asking Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB what he sees as the trends needing the Church’s social action.
Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB made history this week when he was elected the new President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.
He is the first president of the Bishops Conference from Western Australia and, as a priest of the Salesians of Don Bosco, the first member of a religious order to be elected president.
Archbishop Costelloe marked the beginning of Holy Week with two important celebrations, inviting the congregation to commit to an active search for communion with Christ.
The Palm Sunday Mass was livestreamed to YouTube and Facebook supported by captions and AUSLAN interpretation, with more than 500 viewers tuning in.
Speaking about the women finding Christ alive, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe said that what this meant for those first disciples was that their faith, so shattered by the horror of the death of Jesus, was not just reborn but “exploded into something new and completely life-changing”
Speaking to parishioners at the Ellenbrook Parish St Helena’s Church, Archbishop Costelloe reflected on the parable of the prodigal son from Luke’s gospel.
As Christians, one of our instinctive, and very sound, responses, is to turn to God in prayer. We are disciples of the one who told us to ask, to seek and to knock, believing that in doing so God would respond (cf Matt 7:7). We have been, are, and will continue to be people of prayer for the needs of our world, whether that world be our family, our neighborhood, our fellow Australians or people we have never met on the other side of the world.
The fruits of the First General Assembly of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia have been
gathered together in a new report that contains dozens of proposals to shape the ongoing
Council journey.