On Sunday, 29 December 2024, the Catholic community of Perth gathered at St Mary’s Cathedral for the launch of the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope. Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB urged the faithful to look to the Holy Family of Nazareth as a source of hope and inspiration in times of challenge.
Promulgated by the now Saint Pope John XXIII on 21 November 1964, Unitatis Redintegratio – Vatican II’s Decree on Ecumenism – brought the Catholic Church into the ecumenical movement as a key player by signalling unqualified commitment to the search for Christian unity.
In his homily for the 25th anniversary of Mary Mackillop Church and 35th anniversary of Ballajura Parish, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe spoke about our understanding of sacraments.
“As graduates from a Catholic university, you are graduating from an institution which draws its inspiration and the very meaning of its existence from the life and teachings of the one who said, “I have come to bring life to all and bring life in all its fulness” (Jn 10:10),” Archbishop Costelloe emphasised.
Ballajura Parish has marked 2024 with the dual anniversaries of the Parish and Church, celebrating with the blessing and unveiling of a new grotto of the Holy Family, a bush dance, a Mass with Archbishop Costelloe and a dinner with some 200 hundred guests.
In commencing the start of the Easter Triddum, Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton highlighted that the first brings us to the room where Jesus gathered his disciples with Mary for a Passover meal.
Banksia Grove parishioners have recently celebrated the first anniversary of the opening of St John Paul II Church with the blessing and opening of a new presbytery, several statues and a rose garden.
Speaking at the Catholic Education Western Australia Commissioning and Acknowledgement of System Leaders Mass, Friday 17 November, at the Chapel of St Michael the Archangel, Leederville, Archbishop Costelloe emphasised to the teachers and principals present, the need to be faithful to the high ideals of our Christian faith.
It is very characteristic of our Catholic tradition that we honour the saints, look to their lives and witness for inspiration and example, and rely on their prayers in times of need and distress, Archbishop Costelloe has said, speaking at the Mass to honour the relics of St John Bosco at St Mary’s Cathedral.