Melbourne singer, songwriter and music ministry enthusiast Genevieve Bryant encouraged Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) pilgrims to use their unique talents for others.
Wollongong Bishop Brian Mascord invited more than 5000 youth to be the Eucharist of the world at the end of adoration in the evening Plenary session on Monday 9 December.
Bishops’ X-Change sessions held during the 2019 Australian Catholic Youth Festival have significantly increased the conversation with young people on issues facing the Church and society today.
For most students, school may act as a medium for them to explore their interests, learning how to socialise, function in society and be a place to make their own mistakes, all while learning and growing academically.
The University of Notre Dame (UNDA) has commissioned an icon of Saint Joseph with Child Jesus from NSW-based artist and iconographer Michael Galovic.
There is nothing more satisfying than the taste of zingy, soy-based sauce on succulent chicken wings, accompanied by fresh lettuce, tomato and cucumber on a fine spring afternoon.