I have an auntie who is in constant pain from arthritis. I have tried to tell her that God understands her pain and suffers with her, but my parish priest tells me that God is unchangeable and cannot suffer. If this is true, how can I console my auntie?
Sydney priest and e-Record columnist Fr John Flader writes about the genealogy of Christ, looking at the various differences as told throughout the Gospels.
I have a born-again Christian workmate who is trying to convince me that the Bible alone is sufficient to ground our faith and that we don’t need tradition or the Church. How do I answer him?
I have a friend who is very sceptical about life after death and would like some sort of proof that heaven is real. He says no one has ever been to heaven and come back to earth to tell us about it. What can I tell him?
A friend who is Coptic Orthodox has tried to convince me that their Church is the true Church and that we Catholics separated from the Church after the Council of Chalcedon. How do I answer her?
We often hear about the sin of lust, but can you tell me exactly what it is? Is it the same as impure thoughts? Is it a mortal sin?
While watching the canonisation of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II on television, I noticed that Pope Francis used the expression “we define” these Popes to be saints. Is this equivalent to the definition of a dogma and therefore an infallible judgment?
I recently read that some theologians have argued that we can hope no one is in hell and that all will be saved. Is this a reasonable position to hold?
A friend who has a degree in theology recently told me that if we are baptised we are assured of heaven. I didn’t argue with him because he knows a lot more than I do. Is what he says true?
I recently visited a church at the end of Lent where all the statues and the crucifix were covered by purple veils. Why is the cross hidden from view at the very time when we should be meditating more on the passion of Christ?