Welcome to Issue 33 of The Record Magazine.
As we go to print, we are eagerly awaiting the commencement of the First Assembly of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia.
It is a life-changing moment for the Church in Australia and my team and I are honoured to be reporting first hand of its outcomes over the next few weeks and months.
In this issue, we give you a brief look at the background of how the Plenary Council came to be, as well as the journey so far, coupled with some interesting facts and figures.
We also feature the youngest Member, Matthew Brown, from the Diocese of Bathurst, while Br Ian Cribb SJ answers some questions about how the spiritual conversations process will
benefit Members as they discern the questions before them.
Don’t forget that these and many more stories are available at www.therecord.com.au.
The Record Magazine is a magazine for the people and I hope you will enjoy taking the time to engage with us. Please feel free to share your thoughts via editor@therecord.com.au.