Welcome to the second issue of The Record Magazine for 2021.
On our front cover for this Easter issue, we have an image supplied by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services/Evan Collins of the recent fires.
We speak with one of our agency directors about his family’s experience, as well as Eagles Nest caretaker Geof Bedells.
In celebration of this special season, we also look at the celebrations of Project Compassion and the work of Caritas Australia in working with our parishes and schools to support those in need overseas.
We also celebrate the work of CEWA in celebrating their 50th anniversary. And finally, we celebrate the life of Dr Richard McSweeny who passed away recently.
Don’t forget that these and many more stories are available at www.therecord.com.au.
The Record Magazine is a magazine for the people and I hope you will enjoy taking the time to engage with us. Please feel free to share your thoughts via