In this Issue 27 of The Record Magazine, we take a look at the issue of Community. Communities, particularly the Catholic communities of our parishes, agencies and schools, are helpful to join or create because they provide support to the individuals who are impacted by the daily stress, struggles and chaos of modern life.
And so, looking at the good works of our community, we speak to Sr Chitra from the Servite Sisters, who gives an insight into the work of the Kora Centre, which delivers a range of health and educational services for children from all backgrounds who may experience a greater likelihood of hardship.
Executive Director of Catholic Education Western Australia, Dr Debra Sayce, speaks about the tremendous resilience and creativity of the human spirit and the significance of purposeful mission and service within our Catholic School communities.
Siobhan Allen from Catholic School Parents WA explains the importance of parents as first educators.
To read more Click Here.
Don’t forget that these and many more stories from are available at www.therecord.com.au.
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