In this Issue 23 of The Record Magazine, we take a look at the recent Australian Catholic Youth Festival, held right here in Perth from 8 to 10 December 2019.
What an exciting time it was! The festival was the culmination of more than 18-months of planning and was testimony to the amazing faith, vitality and enthusiasm of so many people. Congratulations to all involved, especially to our own Archbishop Tim, who so confidently answered the call to have
the festival in Perth.
In this issue we feature interviews with American rapper Joe Melendrez, Melbourne singer-songwriter Gen Bryant and Maltese-born singer-songwriter priest, Fr Rob Galea. We also spoke with American author Katie Prejean-McGrady, who believes that Australian youth are changing the world.
We also take a look at other features of the Festival, including the Encounter Zone, which aimed to give youth an opportunity to pray in the way they felt comfortable, as well as the Bishops X-Change sessions which looked at the current themes of discernment from the 2020 Plenary Council.
Our thanks also to Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund, for their generous sponsorship of this issue. Don’t forget that these and many more stories from the festival are available at www.therecord.com.au.
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