In this Issue 22 of The Record Magazine, we take a look at the The Church in Perth.
We have a rich and vibrant local Church. With all its different aspects, it is a place where people can gather and unite in the name of Jesus Christ.
In this issue of The Record Magazine, we speak to our new Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Director, Donella Brown, who shares her experience as a Yarawu woman and wealth of knowledge and understanding of our indigenous community. Catholic Youth Ministry Officer Matt Lim recounts his recent life changing Camino de Santiago experience – walking a staggering an 800 kilometres in 30 days.
We also introduce 17-year-old Mazenod College student Kai Lovel, who began producing and presenting at his local radio station at the age of 12.
We also take a close look at the world-first Safeguarding Program and speak with our Chief Safeguarding Officer Andrea Musulin, who has worked tirelessly over the past five years to develop and implement the best practise procedures and policies in the name of protecting children and vulnerable adults.
The Record Magazine is a magazine for the people and I hope you will enjoy taking the time to engage with us. Please feel free to share your thoughts via editor@therecord.com.au.