In this Issue 19 of The Record Magazine, we take a look at the topic of ‘Why Believe in God’.
Recent events across Australia and the world are indicating that Church and faith communities are under scrutiny and question from governments and individuals alike now more than ever, for example, the unfortunate and distressing facts relating to abuse, the highly debatable issue of the freedom of religion, and the challenging of our beliefs and practises (eg the Sacrament of Confession) are some of the recent situations the Catholic community in Perth and across Australia is facing today.
For the Archdiocese of Perth, we are blessed to have some positive stories which have emerged, which this Issue 19 celebrates.
We speak to the Sisters of Life, who recently visited Perth from the US. We interview Morley parishioners, Andrew and Glenys Wright, who recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.
We also share an insight into the life of Spearwood man and Australia’s first Somascan, Fr Chris de Sousa.
I was also grateful for an interview with renowed artist and iconographer Michael Galovic, who speaks about his life and work as he celebrates 30 years in Australia and 50 years as an icongrapher.
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