As a young student, one of the greatest lessons I recall was being taught how to learn. It was a lesson I did not understand at the time, but one that I remember well.
I have since come to understand it is a very important aspect of how I have come to, and continue to understand and grow in my role as a writer, editor, photographer, designer, as well as a son, husband and father, while also appreciating the significant leaders around me.
In this issue of The Record Magazine, we take a look at the issue of Teaching and Learning, and what it means for the many teachers, students and their families across the Western Australian Catholic community.
We talk to Catholic Education Western Australia, Director of Teaching and Learning, Eileen Climo, who details for us the Vision for Learning currently being implemented across our Catholic Education system.
We also look at how Nature Play is bringing about a new understanding of what it means to run around, explore trees, build cubby houses, thus further developing a young person’s physical, social, cognitive and emotional wellbeing.
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