During his general audience of February 2015, Pope Francis spoke about the need to do much more in favour of women. As a son, brother, husband and father (of four) of two daughters, I was compelled to do what I could to do my best to convey the story of the work of women in the Church in Perth.
In this special 40-page issue, we speak to Carmelite Sister Marie Chrissie, who recently took her first vows of profession. We also speak to young mother, musician and teacher, Therese Le-Sanders, who speaks about her journey of faith, motherhood and her hopes for the future.
Newly-appointed Executive Director of CEWA, Dr Debra Sayce says she is looking forward to building on and strengthening the values that Catholic
education has presented over the many years in WA.
Our Director of Safeguarding, Andrea Musulin, also talks about the launch of her new handbook for teenagers, Love Sex and Relationships, as part of the Church’s response to the Royal Commission’s recommendations and in conjunction with the Year of Youth.
The Record Magazine is a magazine for the people and I hope you will enjoy taking the time to engage with us. Please feel free to share your thoughts via editor@therecord.com.au.