The Record Magazine Issue 10 (October 2017)

13 Oct 2017

By Jamie O'Brien

The Record Magazine Issue 10. Front Cover: Feby Plando.

Welcome to the Social Outreach issue of The Record Magazine. This issue has been dedicated to the more than 20 social outreach agencies and organisations across the Archdiocese and the Perth Catholic community, with the aim of telling a little of their story and good works.

At the launch of the Archdiocesan Plan in 2015, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB recognised that many good organisations and programs exists but stated, “I want to strengthen these initiatives, encourage mutual collaboration and support, and also identify areas where the Church could contribute but is not as yet active.”

Outreach and advocacy are a beautiful sign of God working in us and an important part of our faith development. They are inextricably linked and an opportunity for each of us to bear witness to the Gospel.

The Record Magazine is a magazine for the people and I hope you will enjoy taking the time to engage with us.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas via the Archdiocesan Communications Office on 08 9220 5900 or via email to