Everyone has a talent, the Holy Father has last weekend told more than 10,000 young people gathered at Budapest Stadium, Hungary, but using it just to earn money or have fun will not bring happiness.
Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has last weekend told youth from the United Kingdom that the Church needs their energy, their enthusiasm, their restlessness and their idealism. Photo: Martin Mazur/Catholic Bishops Conference England and Wales.
After a hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the premier gathering of young Catholics in Australia will return in December 2024, and the Archdiocese of Melbourne has been named host.
A new and unique fundraising event from St Vincent De Paul Society WA aims to be a great motivation for supporters to ensure participants have the ultimate bragging rights.
In a message to participants at a European youth conference, Pope Francis encouraged young people to not “be drawn into shortsighted ideologies that want to show others, those who are different from ourselves, as enemies.”
A vision which steadily aims to change our youth ministry culture and develop disciples “with a heart of mission” has marked it’s one year anniversary at Perth’s Catholic Youth Ministry.