In an unprecedented and inspiring event, three students from Notre Dame’s Sydney campus had the extraordinary opportunity to meet and engage with His Holiness Pope Francis via a Zoom call. This special occasion was part of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America’s “Building Bridges” initiative, which fosters dialogue between young people and the Vatican.
The School of Arts and Sciences put together a carefully curated program for the students that was designed to give them an insight into Australian culture, history, politics, wildlife, art, law and more.
All conference speakers will seek to inspire and empower all women present to discover the profound truth of our faith and the beauty of our feminine identity.
The theme of the Conference invites women to step into the journey with other like-minded Catholic women from all walks of life to be formed and equipped for the challenges of today’s world in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene.
The New Colombo Plan Scholarship, an Australian Government initiative, supports Australian undergraduates studying and interning in the Indo-Pacific.
The new Student Exchange Agreement commits each university to accepting exchange students for either an academic year or an academic semester, enhancing the educational experience and enriching the cultural understandings of students.
“As graduates from a Catholic university, you are graduating from an institution which draws its inspiration and the very meaning of its existence from the life and teachings of the one who said, “I have come to bring life to all and bring life in all its fulness” (Jn 10:10),” Archbishop Costelloe emphasised.
Addressing the scholarship recipients and their guests, Fr Vincent linked Archbishop Hickey’s decision to open a Scholarship in 2013 to his great love for the Scriptures enkindled through a sabbatical year spent in the Holy Land.
The Churack family initially donated $1 million to the University in 2013, which established the Churack Chair of Chronic Pain Education and Research, in partnership with St John of God Subiaco Hospital.
The collaboration aims to enhance Catholic education in Western Australia by leveraging the strengths of both institutions in providing Catholic-based education and formation.