The past year at St Charbel’s Maronite Church East Cannington has been marked by memorable milestones, including the church’s first parish Christmas party on December 16, and the celebration of Holy Week, especially Good Friday and Easter Sunday masses.
Appointed Director of the L J Goody Bioethics Centre in 1986, Rev Dr Walter Black will be remembered for having lived a life marked by deep faith, intellectual brilliance, and a profound commitment to the Church’s mission.
St Mary’s Cathedral Director of Music Jacinta Jakovcevic said the tour was a significant occasion for the Church in the regional area of WA – and in particular the local community of Mullewa and its surrounds.
As Religious leaders attended from all over the country, a spirit of joy prevailed, along with an eagerness to ‘fill the tank’ with the fuel of shared wisdom for what it means to guide their communities in life and ministry.
Music has played a central role in both David and Emma’s lives, not just as a form of artistic expression but also as a vital part of their faith journey.
Catholics around Australia have been asked to pray that the continuing journey of the faithful together in the synod be a time of grace and that active listening, dialogue and discernment strengthen the dynamic relationships between the People of God and the Risen Lord.
EREA Colleges CEO, Chris Woolley, said a recent decline in enrolment, the evolving educational and social needs of students and the complex heritage site have put pressure on the model currently in place.
According to Catholic Earthcare, a Level 5 Catholic Earthcare School ‘has undergone a profound ecological conversion, is living an ecological vocation and is enabling change by animating others’.
Through their leadership, Joven and Sandra aim to inspire others to join MFC and contribute to its mission of transforming lives and communities through faith and family.