The Record spoke with Emmanuel Centre employee and volunteer of more than 30 years, Geoffrey Scott, to find out how COVID-19 has been affecting daily life for members of the deaf and hard of hearing community here in the Archdiocese of Perth, and how Australian’s increasing exposure to AUSLAN is a source of hope for the future.
After almost a decade of Prison Ministry, Joe O’Brien finally felt that it was time for him to start a new chapter in his career.
This year sees him taking on the role as Director of the Emmanuel Centre.
The self-help Centre provides a caring and supportive environment for people with a variety of abilities, empowering them to share their gifts through programs tailored to their needs.
Hope for greater understanding of the need for people with disability to participate in their local parish community is the message shared by Lynette, Susan and Geoffrey, active members of 39 years from the Emmanuel Centre and the Ministry with Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.