SPECIAL REPORT: ‘Sins are not confessed to the priest, but to God’, Archbishop Costelloe tells Parliamentary Committee
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has once again been called upon to defend the faith – this time before a State Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry on 6 August in response to the Children and Community Services Amendment Bill 2019.
At closing Mass, festivalgoers told to be courageous
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB delivers his homily to more than 5500 pilgrims during the ACYF19 closing Mass. Photo: Josh Low.
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has encouraged thousands of young Catholics to
leave the 2019 Australian Catholic Youth Festival ready to open their hearts
and lives to Jesus.
open-air Mass at Trinity College in East Perth was the culmination of the
Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB "hand-passes" the Australian Catholic Youth Festival 2019 to the young people of the Church in his official welcome and catechesis on Sunday 8 December. Photo: Iceberg Media.
Thousands of young Australian Catholics have been challenged to “go out and rebuild” God’s Church on the opening day of the 2019 Australian Catholic Youth Festival.
The openi...