Key organiser Michael Chong said beyond a journey of prayer and discovery, this recent Why Be Catholic conference by Evangelisation Australia is about building a lasting community.
The theme of the Conference invites women to step into the journey with other like-minded Catholic women from all walks of life to be formed and equipped for the challenges of today’s world in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene.
Among the keynote speakers is academic director of the Notre Dame Centre for Liturgy and director of education at the McGrath Institute for Church Life, Professor Timothy O’Malley PhD.
The Conference provided a unique opportunity for people who have mission at heart to gather from all around the country to share their passion by opening their hearts and minds.
ACPA President and Diocese of Townsville Communications Media Manager Neil Helmore said the Conference is this year looking to increase the knowledge of Catholic communications professionals and how they can listen, speak, and communicate with heart.
Catholic Mission’s National Director, Fr Brian Lucas, expressed enthusiasm for this year’s theme, saying, “Pope Francis has given us a powerful and inspiring message. It is an invitation to walk together on the path of peace, hope and creation.”
Archdiocese of Perth Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Director Donella Brown offered her reflection on the 2022 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Conference Assembly, highlighting that as people gathered on the first day, there was a collective sigh that at last, we were here gathering, renewing friendships, and carrying on the tradition of storytelling and celebrating our Catholic faith and Aboriginal Culture.
The National Catholic Education Commission will next week co-host it’s first Conference in six years in Melbourne, welcoming more than 1,300 delegates including educators, clergy and religious, students, parents and academics.
Speakers for the upcoming National Deacons Conference in October this year include New South Wales Ageing and Disability Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald M speaking on “Deacons Missioning in a Church Without Walls”, Plenary Council Facilitator Lana Turvey-Collins on listening and service and Dr Anne Benjamin covering how deacons can nurture a synodal Church.
In a message to participants at a European youth conference, Pope Francis encouraged young people to not “be drawn into shortsighted ideologies that want to show others, those who are different from ourselves, as enemies.”