Australian Catholic University expert Associate Professor Steven Lewis has urged school leaders, teachers, families, and students to take a collective breath amid the start of the nationwide testing window.
Catholic Education WA continues to urge the incoming State Government to provide equitable funding for those families who choose a faith-based education.
Catholic education in Leederville is about to enter an exciting new phase with Aranmore Catholic Primary School and Aranmore Catholic College to be amalgamated from the beginning of 2026.
The efficiency gains when using AI within a new trial teaching assistant will allow teachers to get back hours each week to reinvest into direct interaction with their students in ways only teachers can.
Award recipients included those students who achieved an Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking (ATAR) of 99 and above as well as students who received a Pinnacle Award from the School Curriculum and Standards Authority in ATAR and VET pathways.
EREA Colleges CEO, Chris Woolley, said a recent decline in enrolment, the evolving educational and social needs of students and the complex heritage site have put pressure on the model currently in place.
Catholic education has nearly 40 per cent of our schools located in regional, rural and remote areas who face unique challenges where the fund can help alleviate some of the future demand.
Chisholm College have last week expressed their pride in the gift of a new Crozier for Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, the result of considerable planning, problem-solving, craftsmanship, fine joinery, attention to detail and good old-fashioned elbow grease.
It’s a STEMsation! St Joseph’s School hosts young scientists for National Science Week
The music for this years Orchestra Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral featured music from World Youth Day 2008 and also featured the music of recently knighted Sir John Rutter.