Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion launched annually on Ash Wednesday, helps over 1.8 million people in Australia and overseas every year - walking together with those in crisis. By The Record.
The 25th anniversary of the establishment of the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life was celebrated by religious in the Archdiocese of Perth on Wednesday, 2 February at St Michael the Archangel Chapel. By Amanda Murthy.
Catholic Mission are this year celebrating 200 years of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, and the beatification of its founder, Pauline Jaricot in 2022 with a launch of a new monthly newsletter, Mission Today Digital.
Finley, a talented aspiring violinist, meets Beckett, a famous young movie star, on the way to her college semester abroad program in a small coastal village in Ireland. An unexpected romance emerges as the heartthrob Beckett leads the uptight Finley on an adventurous reawakening, and she emboldens him to take charge of his future, until the pressures of his stardom get in the way. By Sister Hosea Rupprecht.
Sr Liz says her role in prison ministry includes acknowledging the prison as a ‘face of God in need’. She assumed the role of Archdiocese of Perth Prison Ministry Coordinator on 26 October 2020. By Amanda Murthy.