Speaking in the third video for the Liturgical Renewal and Formation program, Mildred Rego explained that over the years, meaningful signs and symbols have come to occupy a key place in the Church that remind us of the history, teachings, and traditions passed down to us as followers of Jesus,
Religious life, said Geraldton Emeritus Bishop Bianchini, is very similar to the actions of Mary and Joseph who presented the baby Jesus in the temple.
The Maronite Eparchy of Australia have last month celebrated the feast of its spiritual father St Maroun on 9 February 2023, at St Maroun’s Cathedral in Redfern.
“Each time we celebrate a liturgical ritual of the church, it is an opportunity for us to open ourselves to the words and actions of each part of the ritual and allow ourselves to be transformed by the presence of Jesus Christ,” Centre for Liturgy Director, Sr Kerry Willison has said.
The Holy Father explained that witnessing the “light of holiness” radiated by Christ is not a “magical moment” outside of time but is what gives the disciples “the strength to follow him to Jerusalem, to the cross.”
Catholic Education Commission WA Chair, Ms Eva Skira AM has last week announced the appointment of former Federal MP, Celia Hammond and National Director for Marist Schools Australia, Dr Frank Malloy, as new commissioners.
God is asking us the same thing he asked of those who first founded the parish of Scarborough Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in 1948 – to be faithful to the gift of faith that He has given to us, said Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, in celebrating its 75th anniversary, Sunday 12 February.
Speaking on the occasion of the 2023 Beginning of the Year Mass for Catholic Education, Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton told of the work of St John Bosco, highlighting that those present are called to help children of all abilities and backgrounds, to embark on the pathway of education, on the pathway to personal growth, to be equipped to take their place creatively in society.
The relics of three saints were fixed into the altar at the new Church of St John Paul II Banksia Grove, which was dedicated and opened by Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, Thursday 26 January in the presence of some 1000 people. By Jamie O’Brien.
“Jesus ‘reaches out’ to tell us that God’s mercy is for everyone,” Pope Francis has said in his homily during Mass in St Peter’s Basilica speaking on Sunday 22 January, the church’s celebration of Sunday of the Word of God.