In an interview with The Record, Maylands Polish Community Parish Priest, Fr Tomasz Bujakowski, spoke about the arrival of Polish migrants in Perth following World War II.
The East Timorese group has moved to Broome in the West Kimberley as part of the Pacific Area Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme.
What have we come here tonight to see, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has asked at the Ordination to the Priesthood of Jason Yeap and Errol Lobo.
The first President and founder of the Right to Life Association Peter O’Meara will be remembered for his passion for the gift of life.
The app is an educational tool for faith leaders, clergy and their staff to help identify modern slavery and safeguard their communities.
The cardinal virtues were espoused and promoted by ancient philosophers well before the development of Christianity, the Holy Father said.
The Grotto will be unveiled by Ballajura Parish Priest Fr John Jegorow and City of Swan Mayor Tanya Richardson at 6pm, followed by a free community celebration.