There are many aspects of the Christmas story that we will reflect upon as we approach this joyous festival, writes Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton.
“One is how Mary and Joseph looked desperately for a place to stay in Bethlehem. A kindness was shown to them when they were allowed to use a shelter that would have been used by shepherds, possibly not much more than a small cavern in the ground, where men and animals would find protection through the night.”
As we journey towards Christmas 2020, many people will not be able to follow their usual plans for Christmas, writes Geraldton Bishop Michael Morrissey in his 2020 Christmas Message.
Sadly, the Christmas peace the angels sang of when Jesus was born is hard to see in Australian society today. So many seem troubled, angry, alienated and confused in their lives.
Catholic School Parents Western Australia (CSPWA) acknowledged five categories of individuals, groups, and a parish, in appreciation of their significant contribution to work collaboratively with their schools and parishes to provide a Catholic education to help all children reach their full potential.
Speaking on an issue vexing enough for experienced Christians to comprehend, let alone teenagers and students, Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton visited Iona Presentation College last Thursday, 17 September, to give a presentation to Year 12 Religion and Life ATAR pupils on the topic of Voluntary Assisted Dying.