A schoolboy at the time of the Vietnam War, Bishop Sproxton noted that even then, he was questioning what he was seeing and asking – is there no other way than war and conflict?
In his 2021 Christmas Message, Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton talks about the celebration of the birth of Jesus as a time for reflection and renewal for all believers.
Bishop Sproxton says that it is through the Christ, who has been sent that we are creatures who can know God and learn of the plan for our salvation.
“Jesus most perfectly collaborated with the Father through the obedience of poverty,” Bishop Don said.
“He brought a transformation of all that we yearn for in life: being renewed personally; being able to work for true peace and the building of a new community of fraternity and friendship.”
The Commissioning of 36 Catechists took place at St Michael the Archangel Chapel, Leederville on Thursday, 4 November, coinciding with the feast day of St Charles Borromeo, patron saint of Catechists.
Speaking on an issue vexing enough for experienced Christians to comprehend, let alone teenagers and students, Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton visited Iona Presentation College last Thursday, 17 September, to give a presentation to Year 12 Religion and Life ATAR pupils on the topic of Voluntary Assisted Dying.