Award-winning US-based author and media literacy educator, Sister Rose Pacatte, will deliver the opening keynote address and lead masterclasses at the 2024 Australian Catholic Communications Congress.
This year, among the diverse groups and individuals participating, a team from Catholic Youth Ministry in conjunction with Caritas Australia saw 16 enthusiastic entrants who ran and walked their way to the finish line.
“As we journey together, we must continue to heal from the past while also looking toward the future. We need to find effective ways to ensure the common good is shared by all people of this nation, especially our First Nations People,” said Chair of the Bishops Commission for Relations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, Bishop Charles Gauci, as Australians marked National Reconciliation Week.
In May 2021, when the most recent survey was conducted, just over 53,000 people attended Mass celebrated in a language other than English each weekend, which represented 13.6 per cent of all Mass attenders – a rise of 3.3 per cent since the last count in 2016.
Twenty-five dioceses and three Eastern Catholic Church eparchies submitted summaries of their consultation outcomes, while a further 13 organisations submitted summaries from the national consultation – culminating in the final report.