Father Peter Murphy studied agriculture and worked as a field agronomist in Melbourne before entering the seminary.
Discipleship is a shared journey, said Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB,
and the witness of religious life serves as an inspiration for all to follow Jesus while striving for holiness in their unique circumstances.
Speaking to members of the Cursillo movement in early January, Archbishop Costelloe described Mary’s faith journey as a progression from being “frightened” to “confused” to “totally committed” to God’s will, as demonstrated by her “Yes” to the angel.
Speaking at the Christmas Eve Midnight Mass and 11am Christmas Day, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe explained that the most fundamental of all Chris-tian teachings is that God should so love and esteem humanity that he becomes one of us in Jesus Christ – so as to reveal to us the very reason why God created us.
On Sunday, 29 December 2024, the Catholic community of Perth gathered at St Mary’s Cathedral for the launch of the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope. Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB urged the faithful to look to the Holy Family of Nazareth as a source of hope and inspiration in times of challenge.
2024 Christmas Message from Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB.
Reflecting on her term, Ms Porro described her role in the Eternal City as a “great privilege,” highlighting her efforts to address critical global issues such as climate change, women’s empowerment, and equality.
Promulgated by the now Saint Pope John XXIII on 21 November 1964, Unitatis Redintegratio – Vatican II’s Decree on Ecumenism – brought the Catholic Church into the ecumenical movement as a key player by signalling unqualified commitment to the search for Christian unity.