Plenary Council Member Introduction: Damian Walsh

20 May 2021

By Contributor

Meet our Plenary Member Damian Walsh.

Damian is the Director of Archdiocesan agency, The Shopfront.

For Mr Walsh, the biggest challenge of the Plenary is ensuring that it is a genuine vehicle for the growth and development of the Church, counteracting the fear that the process may be seen by some within the Catholic community as just “going through the motions”.

“The Church to me is such an important part of who I am… For me, I would probably say that I live my Catholicism through what I do,” Mr Walsh said.

“If you’re going to be involved in this kind of social welfare work, you have to see the person opposite you with respect and dignity – regardless of what they look like, how they smell, or what they’ve done.”

Let’s hear Damian Walsh’s response to what he thinks the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church in Australia at this time.

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