New resource opportunity for the young to Come and See

30 Sep 2021

By Contributor

Come and See, The Archdiocese of Perth’s new resource for the Christian Initiation of young people. Photo: Supplied.

The Office of Christian Initiation will next month launch the Come and See Resource for the Christian Initiation of Young People (rCIyp) on Saturday October 2.

The resource has been designed to assist parishes to engage young adults in their journey towards becoming a Christian.

Office of Christian Initiation Director, Dr Carmel Suart, said the resource was developed from the needs expressed by catechists following the growing number of young people within schools and parishes expressing their desire to come and see what the Catholic faith is about.

“While the project was not initiated by me, but by my predecessor, Karen Hart, I have whole heartedly given my support and expertise to bring this resource to fruition,” Dr Suart said.

“It is a valuable resource which speaks to young people in a way that they can relate with.

“I also thank and congratulate project writer Anne Kennedy for her commitment, dedication and creative skills in bringing this resource to life,” she said.

Ms Anne Kennedy shared that from small beginnings, the Come and See project has grown far beyond her initial imaginings.

She went on to explain that the resources have been created as tools to engage young people in conversation and reflection about the Christian faith, in the hope that they will also want to discover some of the richness of the Catholic Tradition.

“The resources are tools for engaging the heart and mind of the young people to encounter a new God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit” she said.

In describing the resource, Dr Suart explained that it caters for three distinct age groups, 9-12, 12-15 and 15-18, with each section containing age appropriate activities and content.

“The vast range of materials within the resource will allow Catechists to journey with these young people with renewed confidence.”

“Ultimately, the hope is that our young people on this journey fall in love with Jesus; choose to embrace the Church he founded, and so become life-long missionary disciples.

Parishes who attend the launch will receive a copy of the resource.

Copies will be available from the Office of Christian Initiation thereafter at a cost of $15.00.

“I pray that that this resource will become a useful tool for Catechists in leading our young people to enter into a personal relationship with God through Jesus,” Dr Suart concluded.