Healing begins in the Mass and in the Sacraments of the church, says Ames

25 Feb 2021

By Amanda Murthy

Catholic evangelist Alan Ames speaking.
Catholic evangelist Alan Ames spoke about the power of Jesus present in the Mass, Blessed Sacrament and in prayer, during his talk on Tuesday, 16 February at St Mary’s Cathedral. Photo: Amanda Murthy.

Catholic evangelist Alan Ames ministered to some 80 community members who were in attendance for an evening of healing and prayer on Tuesday, 16 February.

Originally from London, Mr Ames is a former lapsed Catholic and motorcycle gang member who had a profound spiritual experience in 1994. This has led him to travel all around the world, to share his faith experiences and gift of healing.

Held at Saint Mary’s Cathedral, the events began with an evening Mass celebrated by Father Richard Rutkauskas, who in his homily encouraged those present to put their trusting faith in the Lord, even when things may seem to be tough.

Mr Ames then began his talk by reminding the congregation that healing of body, mind and spirit starts in the Holy Mass.

“The healing really begins in the Eucharist we receive at Mass, it is in the Blessed Sacrament, it is also in the Sacraments of the church such as the Sacrament of Reconciliation,” he said.

“This is a reason why I request to speak after a Mass – this is a house of the Father where we get to experience the power of the Holy Spirit and the healing of God’s love in our lives.

“At every Mass Jesus reaches out to us, He invites us to come into His Divine presence – And if we accept this invitation, then we can rejoice in the mystery of who Jesus is,” he added.

“Jesus in His passion, exposed the fullness of His glory in each and everyone of us, inviting us into His presence to have a personal relationship with Him.”

Encouraging those present to always be opened to Jesus especially during the Mass, Mr Ames said that by calling out to Jesus and entrusting ‘your life completely to Him,’ it is then that the power of healing will take place.

“Jesus will gradually transform your life, and you will become more and more like Him – but you have to want that change,” he stated.

“When we experience the Eucharist, the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we believe that united in His one Divine Person, He is really, truly, and substantially present.

“When I make the sign of the cross I cry out, Lord give me crosses to carry, but give me the grace to carry these crosses because I can’t carry them by myself,” Mr Ames explained.

“In surrendering ourselves to God, we are also meant to sacrifice ourselves for others.”

Some 80 people of faith gathered at St Mary’s Cathedral for an evening of prayer and healing on 16 February. Fr Rutkauskas celebrated a Mass, and after, exposed the Blessed Sacrament for Adoration. Photo: Amanda Murthy.

Following Mr Ames’ talk, Fr Rutkauskas exposed the Blessed Sacrament for Adoration. Along with other Cathedral priests, the faithful were given the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

During this time, Mr Ames placed his hands on many of the parishioners to pray for their healing, which he cited would complement the power of the Sacraments. The events concluded with the recital of the rosary.