By Matthew Lau
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you … do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to protect you … there, I am putting my words into your mouth.” – Jeremiah 1:5-9
Newly ordained priests Dominic Hoang, Peter (Tam) Duong and Savio Nguyen have reached the ultimate vocational goal as brothers-in-Christ as they were last night Ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Michael Morrissey.
The trio began their discernment process around the same time in their homeland of Vietnam, moved to WA in 2012 at the invitation of then-Bishop of Geraldton Justin Bianchini, received their Candidacy in 2017, and supported each other along their journey to the Diaconate in May of this year.
Their priestly ordination was held at St Francis Xavier Cathedral in Geraldton on Wednesday 6 November 2019 with about 40 clerics in attendance for the special occasion.
Bishop of Geraldton Michael Morrissey welcomed his diocese’s new shepherds by commending their support networks that enabled them to accept the invitation of Bishop Bianchini, accompanied by Fr Vinh Dong, to leave their home and travel to Australia.
“They would ponder like Mary did when her son Jesus was born – that is indeed something for all of us to celebrate as you bring your gifts to our community as priests.”
Their priestly vocation, Bishop Morrissey said, is a calling to serve, as Jesus himself served his disciples at the Last Supper.
“You will be like Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew: ‘…when he saw the crowds, he felt sorry for them because they were harassed and dejected like sheep without a shepherd’.”
The call to the Holy Orders is not in isolation, he said, but in communion with the people of faith and with their fellow priests and bishop.
“Together, you will be beacons of hope within communities in need of hope, where you will go to places where others would not go, to be men of compassion like Jesus, the Good Shepherd. This community now calls you to the ministry of priesthood in Christ, to preach the Gospel, to love and care for the people, and celebrating the sacraments of the Church.
“In your ministry, you will be the hands and face of Christ, offering forgiveness of sins in the name of Him who is compassion incarnate and offering comfort to the sick and those senior in years through anointing. Carry out this ministry cheerfully as St Paul calls you to do.”
Bishop Morrissey reminded the newly formed priests to remember the words of Pope Francis in his letter, The Joy of the Gospel: “Do not lose the joy evident in your life”.
“Dominic, Savio and Tam, I have already heard how you are being the face of Christ to people in our hospitals and nursing homes, and witnessed for myself this joy in your relationships with people, even when the situation might be difficult or challenging for you.
“Share this joy always with your brother priests for they will journey with you in your priesthood. Share this joy with the people you serve with love and compassion. They will accompany and ensure that you are not alone and welcomed always into the communities you serve,” Bishop Morrissey expressed.
“However, there will be moments in your life, when you will not feel cheerful, when things become difficult or challenging. For myself, prayer is a great antidote for those moments of doubt, conflict and despair. This same antidote is there for all of us as people of faith.”
The Geraldton Bishop then encouraged his new priests to never lose their love for prayer, which, he added, includes “those moments of personal meditation and reflection deepening our awareness of the abiding presence of Jesus Christ”.
“Your own personal relationship with Jesus Christ deepens through constant prayer every day of your life, together with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
“Centre your life on Christ bringing the hopes, disappointments, joys, doubts, mistakes and happiness into your ministry of priesthood and life itself,” he continued.
“As you begin this ministry in the Diocese of Geraldton, remember your family in Vietnam. Cherish and love them always whether in this life or in their eternal life – you began your journey of life with them, they will support you with their love and prayer.”