The 2021 National Church Life Survey (NCLS) has more than 142,000 participants confirmed to take part, a clear indication to researchers that churches are focused on the future and what it holds.
With three weeks left until the deadline of 14 September, this is the largest, longest running survey of local churches in the world, that has tracked the life of the Australian church and its attenders for over 30 years.
In 2021 NCLS researchers are calling on every local Christian church in Australia to take part.
NCLS Director, Dr Ruth Powell said that the survey serves as an important tool that enables us to “listen to what churchgoers are saying and provide an informed response.”
“The Christian community is constantly interacting with social trends, cultural diversity and other challenges and opportunities,” Dr Powell said.
“To grow and thrive, it is imperative churches engage the changing context.”
Conducted every five years, 2021 marks a 30-year milestone for the NCLS with the focus on hearing every voice, looking at the big picture and reporting on emerging trends.
This year’s survey will pay attention to who church attenders are, their demographics and how they engage with their local church. It seeks to understand their views on a broad range of issues including church health, leadership, inclusion, wellbeing, spiritual beliefs, and practices, especially during a time of crises.
“The 2021 survey doesn’t shy away from difficult subjects. We know that there are divergent views across church communities,” Dr Powell explained.
Dr Powell went on to say that the understanding church attender and leader attitudes towards current issues are crucial for an informed contemporary ministry.
This year’s NCLS will pay attention to who church attenders are, their demographics and how they engage with their local church. Photo: Supplied. Conducted every five years, 2021 marks a 30-year milestone for the National Church Life Survey (NCLS) with the focus on hearing every voice, looking at the big picture and reporting on emerging trends. Photo: Supplied.
The NCLS Research team works across all Christian churches and aims to provide accurate and informative data for churches to use to connect with their community. It is also a valuable tool for various interest groups and more broadly, provides a springboard for further academic research.
Results of the 2021 NCLS will be released from March 2022 onward.