The start of a new era in how the Gospel is delivered is on its way
A new, bi-monthly magazine is set to be launched by the Archdiocese of Perth this Easter.
The Record Magazine, due in parishes on the weekend of Easter, will be published alongside The eRecord, which is the weekly online publication for the Archdiocese.
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB confirmed the news, saying a great deal of energy, expertise and commitment has been invested in making The eRecord a worthy successor to the former weekly newspaper.
“I am proud to acknowledge that the very same thing can be said of our new publication, The Record Magazine,” he said.
The Archbishop continued by saying that, as a Church, we have Good News to share, which is the Good News of God’s constant loving and compassionate presence in our lives.
“It is also the story of the ways in which we, as a community of disciples, in spite of the personal and collective failures which blight our lives, are able to be instruments of that divine love in our world,” Archbishop Costelloe said.
“As we continue our journey of becoming ever more a people walking together in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd, seeking to respond to the urgent call of the Church to find new ways of faithfully proclaiming the Gospel, my prayer is that The Record Magazine, together with The eRecord, will play an increasing role in helping us to share the Good News of Jesus among our own communities and with the wider society we seek to serve.”
Archdiocesan Manager of Communications, Jamie O’Brien, explained that the new magazine has been developed following a period of consultation and research.
This has also been reinforced with the employment of two new journalists in January this year – Rachel Curry and Caroline Smith, who are now working alongside existing staff Feby Plando (Production Officer), Marco Ceccarelli (Journalist), Christine Jaques (Proofreader), Fayann D’souza (Digital Media) and Bibiana Kwaramba and Lydia Stanley (Administration).
“Communications is an ever-evolving task that requires patience, perseverance and lots of understanding,” Mr O’Brien said.
“So that we do our best to engage with what is a very wide and varied audience, the communications team is regularly analysing how we approach each and every task,” he said.
Mr O’Brien went on to explain that the Archdiocese is not alone in its efforts to understand effective methods of communication – particularly when it comes to delivering the Good News. Dioceses across Australia and the world – including Rome – have all been evaluating and assessing how, when and why dialogue with its people should take place.
“Don’t be afraid to engage with these new forms of communication which, as Pope Francis has said, help us to grow closer, to know one another better and, ultimately, to grow in unity,” Mr O’Brien said.
The new magazine will be delivered to all parishes, schools, agencies and organisations across the Archdiocese during Holy Week.
A PDF version will also be published via ISSUU for release in Holy Week for those eager to get their hands on the new issues-focused Catholic publication.
To access back copies of The eRecord PDF, go to www.issuu.com and search Archdiocese of Perth, or email editor@therecord.com.au.
To subscribe to The eRecord, email communications.media@perthcatholic.org.au or contact 08 9220 5900.