The Justice Ecology and Development Office (JEDO), a Perth Archdiocesan agency, is on board promoting a national “call to action” to help fundraise an end to modern slavery.
Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) launched its annual appeal last week intending to restore dignity and bring hope to people who have been trafficked or enslaved.
The World Day Against Trafficking in Persons was on Friday, 30 July.
ACRATH is appealing for funds to continue its support for trafficked people. Its President, Sister Louise Cleary CSB, said the global pandemic had impacted trafficked people across Australia.
“May we heed the call to action by Pope Francis: ‘We call on all people of faith and goodwill to take action and oppose modern slavery in all its forms’,” she implored.
“ACRATH relies on the generosity of donors to continue its work fighting human trafficking and modern slavery.
“Your donation will help ACRATH to support those who have been exploited in Australia and to work closely with the community and government, health, education and civic leaders to bring about systemic change and prevent human trafficking and slavery,” Sr Louise added.
“By donating to ACRATH, you can help in the fight against human trafficking and slavery in Australia and beyond.”
Carol Mitchell, JEDO Director, welcomes all to participate in the cause’s “call to action”.
“With Catholic Social Teaching as our guide, let us walk together as one to make a difference in our communities – to think globally, but act locally – within our families, parishes, schools, work, civic and leisure communities, and beyond,” Mrs Mitchell stated.
She invites the faithful on then agency’s shared journey: www.jedo.perthcatholic.org.au
The WA Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office (WACMRO) can provide information on the Eradication of Modern Slavery: www.wacmro.perthcatholic.org.au
For more information, visit: https://acrath.org.au/acrath-launches-appeal/