Not-for-Profit consultant Graham West has last weekend been elected as the new President of the St Vincent de Paul Society National Council of Australia.
Mr West has more than 20 years’ experience working in government and not-for-profit agencies. He has been a long-time member of the society and was formerly the CEO of the St Vincent de Paul Society in NSW and, more recently, the society’s national Vice-President.
“We are one of the largest human rights organisations in Australia, responding to need wherever it is found,” Mr West said.
“We are also especially entrusted to advocate on behalf of people who are marginalised and we are committed to building an Australia transformed by compassion and built on justice,” he said.
Mr West went on to say that this vision is one that is shared by the community and young people in particular.
“Indeed it was this commitment by young people that founded our society in 1833.
“When I first joined the society at 17, it had a far more diverse age range both in members and in leadership than we do currently. We have been extremely successful in schools, but need to renew our efforts to encourage post-school leavers to be an active part of the society.”
Mr West succeeds Anthony Thornton as president.
“Anthony made an enormous contribution as president.
“His experience and enthusiasm in guiding the society over the past four years has been a significant positive force and I look forward to continuing this.”
Mr West will be leading the St Vincent de Paul Society in Australia for the next four years.
He said he looks forward to finding new ways of welcoming young people and offering them leadership roles to ensure the society is prepared for the years ahead.