As uncomfortable as some Catholics may be with the concept of evil personified, the Church is uncompromising on this fact.
“Behind the disobedient choice of our first parents lurks a seductive voice, opposed to God … Scripture and the Church’s tradition see in this being a fallen angel, called ‘Satan’ or the ‘Devil’”(Catholic Catechism of Catholic Church, 391).
So convinced is Bishop Julian Porteous of Sydney of this reality that he has produced a book, Manual of Minor Exorcisms – For the use of Priests, to assist clergy in their ministry with issues of spiritual affliction.
Bishop Porteous clearly defines from the outset of his concise 78 page book that it is intended only for use by priests and for minor exorcisms involving spiritual affliction.
These, he states, are distinct from situations that require the formal Rite of (Major) Exorcism.
“Spiritual affliction may have origins in habits of sin, in compulsions and addictions, or be a result of dabbling in occult practices”, he explains.
He acknowledges that some afflictions have psychological causes and would require a referral to an appropriate professional, but also explains that, at times, there can be spiritual afflictions accompanying the psychological problem and suggests that in these situations the priest works in conjunction with other professionals.
Bishop Porteous states that utilising prayers of minor exorcism to meet the spiritual needs of the faithful is an important part of the ordinary ministry of a priest and, in the latter half of the book, he provides a collection of prayers that have been drawn from the the rich tapestry of Catholic tradition.
In the first half of his leather-bound manual, Bishop Porteous provides a clear explanation of the three dimensions of evil – temptation, oppression and possession, and defines their influence on the human will.
He briefly addresses some of the choices and practices that can expose individuals to the influences of evil and provides an historical and theological perspective to the issue.
He also addresses the role of Sacraments and the legitimacy of lay people in prayers of deliverance.
In recent decades it would seem that Hollywood has had the greatest influence over people’s perceptions of Catholic theology in relation to exorcisms and all things evil, so it is timely that a book revealing the Church’s true understanding has now been made available.
Bishop Porteous’ manual will provide a concise and powerful tool for clergy in an area that has often been confused and cluttered by sensationalism and misunderstanding.
Prayers for those in Spiritual Affliction
In addition to his book for clergy, Manual of Minor Exorcisms – For the use of Priests, Bishop Julian Porteous has compiled a small, 40 page booklet designed to assist lay Catholics with any dealings they may have with spiritual affliction.
This booklet is less theological than Bishop Porteous’ manual for priests, but it does provide readers with an explanation of the situations and circumstances in which they can utilise the Church-approved prayers he provides.