Australian Catholic Bishops Delegate for Refugees, Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, has recently responded to the announcement by Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, and Minister for Immigration, Peter Dutton that the Government will introduce proposed legislation banning those who have arrived in Australia by boat from 19 July 2013 onwards from ever being able to apply for a visa to Australia.
Bishop Long described the announcement as “deeply disappointing” and emphasised that asylum seekers do not break any laws by coming to Australia by boat.
“Seeking asylum even by boat is not illegal. It is a basic human right. Yet not content with demeaning them, the Australian government now wants to introduce laws that will ban them from ever coming here.”
Bishop Long went on to speak of the complicated situation on Manus Island and Nauru, and emphasised that in light of this and the bigger challenges facing Australia, the motives for these measures are questionable at best and sinister at worst.
He also underscored the announcement’s cruelty, questioning its validity considering Australia’s history of openness to migrants and refugees.
“Domestic advocates and international agencies have been appalled by the conditions under which asylum seekers live and the effects on their health, spirits and self-respect. To single out and punish further a small number of people who came by boat, even if they are found to meet the refugee definition, is deliberately cruel and un-Australian.
“It betrays the tradition, status and character of the country that we are proud of – a richly resourced country with a big heart for migrants and refugees.”
Bishop long urged all Australians to reject the unnecessary measures and instead take up the task of searching for more just, humane and effective ways of dealing with the complex issues of seeking asylum and refugee protection.
“Inflicting more pain and harm to a small group of people who have caused us no harm is not worthy of all fair dinkum Australians.
“I appeal to all political leaders to resist this latest mean-spirited move against asylum seekers and to reclaim the reputation of a decent, humane and generous country; it is the kind of country that refugees like myself are indebted to and proud to call home.”
Bishop Vincent Long is the Australian Catholic Bishops Delegate for Migrants and Refugees and a former boat person himself.