The National Council of the St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies) in Australia has called on the Federal Government to implement several key social policy issues.
If addressed in the 2021-22 Budget, the key social policy issues would significantly improve many Australians’ lives and stimulate economic growth.
Vinnies National Council President, Claire Victory said such measures include increasing the old Newstart payment base rate on an ongoing basis, supporting people who are currently falling through the cracks and increasing access to affordable, safe and energy-efficient housing.
“We know that fiscal stimulus measures are most effective if you ‘go early and go hard’, especially if those measures are directed to households most in need, including those most impacted by the pandemic,” Ms Victory said.
“The measures we have outlined in our budget submission support domestic production, target regional disadvantage and provide direct employment and co-benefits.
“Although the Federal Government’s short-term welfare, cash flow and wage subsidy measures have been welcomed, ongoing support that reflects the losses incurred and is specific and targeted to those who need it most, is now essential,” she continued.
Vinnies National Council’s Pre-Budget Submission calls on the Federal Government to
- Raise the base rate of JobSeeker as a permanent feature of the income support system;
- Scrap the Fair Work Amendment Bill;
- Support asylum seekers, refugees and Temporary Visa Holders;
- Support people being moved from community detention to Final Departure Bridging Visas;
- Support the Status Resolution Support Service;
- Fund social housing to stimulate the economy and address the housing shortfall; and
- Overhaul Commonwealth Rent Assistance to address the housing shortfall and housing stress.
“Challenges should create opportunities. Now is the time to lift millions of people out of poverty and provide them with a home so that they are empowered to drive change in their own lives, to look for training and employment opportunities and improve their overall social connectedness, health and wellbeing,” Ms Victory said.
“Revenue could be recovered by reviewing superannuation laws and not proceeding with the next tranche of tax cuts.”
Vinnies WA chief executive Susan Rooney believes the submission will help solve the “chronic social housing crisis” in Western Australia.
“Vinnies WA is a principal partner in a program called Unlock Housing which is designed to highlight this issue and bring about social change.”
To access the copy of Vinnies National Council’s Pre-Budget Submission 2021-22, click here: https://www.vinnies.org.au/icms_docs/323604_2021-22_Pre-Budget_Submission.pdf