Archbishop of Sydney Anthony Fisher OP has openly condemned a new bill that would decriminalise abortion in the state of New South Wales.
The introduction of the proposed bill was scheduled to be debated this week in the NSW Parliament, but has been delayed after a number of Liberal MPs raised concerns that there was not enough time to consider the legislation.
Under the proposed law, abortion would be legalised on request for women up to 22 weeks pregnant if the procedure is performed by a registered doctor. In instances beyond 22 weeks’ gestation, abortion can be legally conducted with the consent of two doctors.
Archbishop Fisher said the new legislation is an attack on the sanctity of life and must be strongly opposed.
“New attempts to make abortion even more widely available in NSW are deeply troubling,” Archbishop Fisher said.
“The measure of a society is how it protects its most vulnerable, be they unborn children, their mothers who are too often pressured emotionally, financially and even physically to choose against the life of their child, or the sick and frail elderly.
“Rather than pursuing laws that will lead to more abortions, we should instead be investing in ways to support pregnant women who feel they have no other choice,” he explained.
“I urge all Catholics to rally against this proposed law and, at the same time, recommit ourselves to reaching out with prayer and practical support for women in crisis.”
Archbishop Fisher is encouraging all Catholics to immediately contact their local state MP given the bill is to be tabled this week, urging them to vote against it.
“We must tell our elected MPs that if they are serious about wanting to protect human life they must reject this bill,” he said.