The deeper connection with the Rosary that a Canberra priest and parishioner felt last October – on opposite sides of the world – was the genesis of a new video series that launched on Mother’s Day.
Fr Paul Nulley, Parish Priest at St Joseph’s Church, O’Connor Parish Canberra, had been moved by the prayerful recitation of the Rosary while on a pilgrimage to Fatima.
Back in Canberra, Belinda Barancewicz was responding to Pope Francis’ call for Catholics to pray the Rosary daily during October – the month of the Rosary.
Her plans were interrupted when her rosary beads broke, so Ms Barancewicz went online and prayed along with videos.
What she didn’t easily find, though, were resources to help explain the Rosary and offer advice on how to pray it well.
With her background in television production and writing, she took a plan to Fr Nulley: Could they combine their love for the Rosary, her professional skills and his passion for catechesis to create a unique resource?
The fruits of their labour are a four-part series on How to pray the Rosary, with one episode dedicated to each of the mysteries: Glorious, Sorrowful, Joyful and Luminous.
In each episode, Fr Nulley provides a step-by-step guide on which prayers to recite and when, explanations of each mystery, as well as suggestions for what to meditate on and pray for while reciting the Rosary.
“With May being the month of Mary, and with Mother’s Day in a Catholic context being intimately linked with Our Lady, this seemed the perfect time to launch this new resource,” Fr Nulley said.
“We hope these videos will help people better understand this enriching experience and come to see it as an accessible and enjoyable daily prayer that can comfort you and make you feel God’s love.”
Ms Barancewicz said as a St Joseph’s parishioner, she had been spiritually nourished by Fr Nulley’s homilies, his prayerfulness and humility.
“From working in television, I knew that Fr Paul had a natural screen presence and ability to engage with people that would be well suited for a project of this kind. I was very excited when he embraced this idea and we see great potential to reach people across Canberra, the country and the world,” she said.
Fr Nulley said Ms Barancewicz’s experience in television and ability to access resources, including studio time, created a high-quality series that is fitting for such an important subject.
“We are called to offer up our best work to God, and Belinda has done that through this project. We hope and pray that these videos will glorify God and help bring people closer to Mary and to her Son, which is what the Rosary is ultimately about,” he said.
The videos can be accessed on Youtube by Clicking Here