As the Christmas season approaches, there’s a palpable sense of joy, renewal and hope that fills the air.
By purchasing a Gift for Change from Jesuit Mission Australia you can transform lives this Christmas, by sharing this joy and generously serving those in need.
A Gift for Change allows you to replace a traditional present with the gift of nourishment, independence, education and empowerment.
Your gift will create change for women, men and children who suffer the indignity of poverty and injustice in more than 10 countries around the world.
Your gift could fund a bicycle to help a young child travel to school; or help a family in rural Cambodia start a chicken farm so they have sustainable food and income. This Christmas, one special Gift for Change could help deliver much-needed medical kits to people displaced by conflict in Myanmar.
From ongoing violent political conflict and the natural disaster of Cyclone Mocha, the situation in Myanmar is dire, with many people living in makeshift camps, struggling to access essential healthcare, food, shelter, and other basic necessities.
To make a meaningful impact, the Jesuits in Myanmar are responding by not only providing medical aid, but also food, shelter, livelihood support, education and psychological assistance. With just a $40 Gift for Change, you can help five displaced people in Myanmar to receive medical kits, which offer a lifeline of hope.
“In the face of adversity, we continue to extend a hand of solidarity and love to those who are suffering. By providing medical kits and other forms of aid to displaced people in Myanmar, we aim to offer not only essential supplies but also a glimmer of hope during this Christmas period,” said Helen Forde, CEO of Jesuit Mission.
The Jesuits on the ground are uniquely positioned to provide aid where it’s needed most, as they have established trusted community and church networks in the rural areas of Myanmar.
Last year the Jesuits assisted over 22,000 displaced people in Myanmar with food, medicine and shelter.
This year the Jesuits have continued these emergency efforts, working tirelessly to establish pop-up emergency schools, micro-credit programs to enhance peoples capacities and putting a roof over the heads of 50 families whose houses were destroyed.
“In Myanmar’s current context, our pastoral task is to welcome, protect, comfort, encourage and nourish hope and livelihood, without discrimination of identity or religion,” said a Jesuit on the ground whose identity is protected due to the current political situation in Myanmar.
Each Gift for Change can be personalised and you can choose to receive a physical card, or e-card to share with your loved one this Christmas.
You can order online and receive a tax-deductible receipt and help transform the lives of others at the same time.
Gifts for Change can be purchased online at jesuitmission.org.au/Christmas or call 02 8918 4109.