Catholic Mission recently launched its 2016 Church Appeal, focusing on education in Cambodia and carrying the theme, “Just as you did it to one of the least of these… you did it to me”.
The campaign reveals the efforts of Sister Eulie Desacula and the Daughters of Charity to reach disadvantaged children in Phnom Penh with their innovative Mobile Tuk-Tuk Education Centre.
The Sisters have been providing care and education for children for over a decade at the Lindalva Centre on the outskirts of the city.
However, due to their inability to reach scores of children who, for various reasons, could attend neither the centre nor public school, they established the additional project with the support of Catholic Mission.
National Director of Catholic Mission, Father Brian Lucas, says the project affords invaluable access to education.
“Sadly, too many children in Cambodia cannot attend school without the required documents, like a birth certificate. This innovative program can proactively take education to the children who need it the most.”
Locally formed teachers take the tuk-tuk (usually a three-wheeled auto rickshaw) out to small communities, providing children with lessons in language, hygiene, life skills, children’s rights and cultural heritage, while fresh meals promote healthy eating.
The Mobile Tuk-Tuk Education Centre allows children to access education and, ultimately, to avoid the possibility of falling victim to a merciless reality of prostitution, child trafficking and drugs.
“Sr Eulie knows from experience the positive difference education can make in a young child’s life,” said Fr Brian. “In addition, the Sisters are gently building trust and inspiring Christian values in the community through their actions.”
Sr Eulie now urgently wants to expand the project’s reach into other communities. “If these children receive a good education, they can become freer to decide for their own lives,” she said. “These children will be freed from the poverty which their parents are experiencing now.”
The Church Appeal also includes the inspirational DVD, Just as you did it to one of the least of these… you did it to me, which can be found online, along with other interactive materials for anyone who wishes to engage further with the work of Catholic Mission around the world, including through prayerful or financial support.
You can access these materials and further information about the appeal at catholicmission.org.au/cambodia.
Alternatively, you can support Catholic Mission by calling the toll free number 1800 257 296.