Cardinal Pell ordered to stand trial on abuse charges

03 May 2018

By The Record

Cardinal George Pell, head of the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy, arrives at the Melbourne Magistrates Court in Melbourne, Australia on 1 May. Photo: CNS/James Ross, via Reuters.

By Catholic News Service

After a month long pre-trial hearing, a judge has ordered Cardinal George Pell to stand trial on multiple charges of sexual abuse of minors, charges the Cardinal has consistently denied.

While dropping some of the charges, including what Cardinal Pell’s lawyer described as the most “vile”, Magistrate Belinda Wallington announced on Tuesday 1 May that she believed there was enough evidence presented in connection with about half the original charges to warrant a full trial.

The Melbourne court did not publish a complete list of the allegations, but news reports indicated they involved alleged sexual offenses committed in the 1970s at a pool in Ballarat, where then-Father Pell was a priest, and at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne in the 1990s when he was Archbishop of Melbourne.

The 76-year-old Cardinal Pell, head of the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy, took a leave of absence from his position in the summer of 2017 to face the charges.

His lawyer told the court that Cardinal Pell had already surrendered his passport.

A date for the jury trial has yet to be announced, but it is expected there will be multiple trails, with Cardinal Pell’s legal team hoping to have all matters dealt with by the end of the year.

The Vatican Press Office released a short statement on May 1 saying that last year, the Holy Father granted Cardinal Pell a leave of absence so he could defend himself from the accusations. The leave of absence is still in place.

Cardinal George Pell, head of the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy, arrives at the Melbourne Magistrates Court in Melbourne, Australia, May 1. After a monthlong pre-trial hearing, an Australian magistrate ordered Cardinal Pell to stand trial on multiple charges of sexual abuse of minors, charges the cardinal consistently has denied. The magistrate dismissed some of the charges. (CNS photo/Daniel Pockett, via Reuters) See PELL-AUSTRALIA-TRIAL May 1, 2018.

Cardinal George Pell, head of the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy, arrives at the Melbourne Magistrates Court in Melbourne, Australia, May 1. After a month long pre-trial hearing, an Australian magistrate ordered Cardinal Pell to stand trial on multiple charges of sexual abuse of minors. Photo: CNS/Daniel Pockett, via Reuters.

Before leaving Rome, Cardinal Pell had told reporters at a Vatican news conference, “I’m innocent of these charges. They are false. The whole idea of sexual abuse is abhorrent to me.”

“These matters have been under investigation now for two years,” Cardinal Pell told the press. “There’s been relentless character assassination, a relentless character assassination.”

A statement issued by his attorneys after Wallington’s decision was announced said Cardinal George Pell has at all times fully cooperated with Victoria police.

“And always steadfastly maintained his innocence. He voluntarily returned to Australia to meet these accusations. He will defend the remaining charges.”

The Cardinal also thanked “all those who have supported him from both here in Australia and overseas during this exacting time and is grateful for their continuing support and prayers,” the statement said.