Parramatta Bishop Anthony Fisher’s expressed his concern for people ravaged by bushfires by launching an appeal this week.
Bishop Fisher launched the appeal through CatholicCare Social Services, Parramatta, writing a letter to concerned persons throughout the country:
“I write to express my thanks for the overwhelming expressions of concern and offers of support for those affected by the bushfires that are burning in the Blue Mountains area of the Diocese of Parramatta,” Bishop Fisher wrote.
“The Government has declared a state of emergency and the number of houses lost or damaged is now in the hundreds.
“Several parishes in the Blue Mountains are under threat from a fire that forced the evacuation of students at St Thomas Aquinas Primary and St Columba’s High School in Springwood parish last week.
“Elmhurst, the original homestead at the old St Columba’s Seminary, has been destroyed and some Church workers and parishioners have lost their homes.
“The Diocese has launched an emergency appeal, which is being co-ordinated by CatholicCare Social Services Parramatta. Donations will be used to provide much needed material support and counselling for those impacted by the fires.
“We pray that the fires soon abate, not just in our Diocese but elsewhere, and that God is with those most in need in these troubling circumstances.
“I join my prayers with yours for the victims and their loved ones, for those fighting the fires and caring for the victims, and all the affected communities.
One-off or regular donations to the fund can be made through CatholicCare Parramatta’s website: www.ccss.org.au or at 02 9933 0222. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.