Archbishop Amel Nona spoke on the second day of the Conference. Photo: Adriatography.
By Theresia Titus
The Australian Catholic Students Association (ACSA) has held its 2018 Conference from 7 to 9 July at Queens College, Melbourne.
With the chosen theme “I am with you always”, 150 tertiary students and alumni members representing each state in Australia gathered and elected their new executive members for the following year.
Newly elected ACSA President Chris Wilks is an undergraduate arts student at the University of Sydney.
“I am greatly honoured to be elected, very humbled that my fellow peers chose me,” Mr Wilks told The eRecord.
Newly elected President of the Australian Catholic Students Association Christopher Wilks. Photo: Adriatography.
The Australian Catholic Students Association (ACSA) has held its 2018 Conference from 7 to 9 July at Queens College, Melbourne.
With the chosen theme “I am with you always”, 150 tertiary students and alumni members representing each state in Australia gathered and elected their new executive members for the following year.
Newly elected ACSA President Chris Wilks is an undergraduate arts student at the University of Sydney.
“I am greatly honoured to be elected, very humbled that my fellow peers chose me,” Mr Wilks told The eRecord.
Former President of the Australian Catholic Students Association. Photo: Adriatography.
Among the guests attended the event were Vicar of Tertiary Education for the Archdiocese of Melbourne Bishop Mark Edwards, Principal Private Secretary to the Archbishop of Sydney Kieran Walton, and Australian Catholic University Chaplaincies Director Br Michael Callinan.
Director of Properties and Catholic Chaplaincy Buildings at the Archdiocese of Sydney Daniel Hill, University of Sydney Chaplain Fr Mannes Tellis, and Vocation Director of the Order of St Paul the First Hermit Fr Jose Maria also attended the event.
Closing Mass on the third day of the Conference. Photo: Adriatography.
Br Casimir Zielinski, a seminarian, and five seminarians from the Fraternity of St Peter: Thomas Sofatzis, Matt Palmer, Noel Soares, McWhirter, and Daniel Alloy were also present.
The organisers of the Conference, led by retiring President Madeline Gilbert, stated they would like “to thank Archbishop Fisher for his generous financial support for ACSA” and Vice Chancellor of the Australian Catholic University Professor Greg Craven for his sponsorship.
ACSA was established by the Australian Conference of Catholic Bishops “to act as the peak body for Catholic tertiary students in Australia”.