Australian Catholic Bishops Delegate for Refugees Bishop Vincent Long has last week commented on the High Court’s decision on offshore processing.
“Following the High Court decision, the Australian Government’s response to people seeking asylum, including babies born in Australia and their parents, should focus on protecting them from harm and respecting their human dignity.
“I urge Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Minister for Immigration Peter Dutton to show compassion and mercy towards these families and not act in a way that will cause even more harm than has been done already.”
“The Catholic Church is prepared to collaborate with other community organisations to provide support for asylum seekers.”
“I urge the Australian Government to ensure that no child is subject to an unsafe and harmful environment and that no-one is returned to where they may face physical, psychological and sexual violence and harm.”
“The Catholic Church opposes mandatory detention and offshore detention because these policy responses do not respect the dignity of people seeking our help.
“Governments have a responsibility to manage migration flows, but the Australian Government’s current approach is harsh and should change.”
Bishop Vincent Long is the Australian Catholic Bishops spokesman on refugees and a former refugee.