The Archdiocesan Vocations Office has recently welcomed new Committee members, Catherine Nguyen and Adam Phillips.
Both their appointments followed the recommendations of the Committee’s November 2023 meeting, recognising the need to expand its membership, to support the Office’s ongoing work in advancing its Vocations promotions, partnerships and assistance for anyone discerning to answer God’s call to love.
Adam is a familiar face within the Catholic Archdiocese with his passion and energy as Director for Catholic Youth Ministry, responsible for developing and implementing support, services, events and activations that assist young people aged 12-30 years to build a deep and lasting relationship with Jesus.
Catherine is the Catechist Consultant for Catholic Education WA (CEWA). As part of the Catechist Services team Catherine works to nurture and develop the theological and practical faith of non-Catholic school students.
A passion for helping and connecting with others a big motivation for involvement
Adam and Catherine shared their “why’s” when asked about their motivation to join the Vocations Committee.
“I have always had the deepest respect, admiration, and appreciation for the men and women who give their lives in the service of God and others – especially priests and religious. Their vocations are selfless, and often thankless, and joining the Vocations Committee would allow me a concrete way to support them in their respective ministries,” shared Catherine.
“Also, there is a chance to raise awareness among the faithful that vocations encompass a horizon beyond Church. Vocations may manifest in lesser-known forms such as marriage, family life, singlehood, or one’s chosen profession. The Second Vatican Council emphasised that the calling to fully embrace the Christian life originates from our baptism into the community. Living out the Gospel message of Jesus is a universal calling, not just the prerogative of a few.”
Adam similarly expressed the same enthusiasm to support the work of the Vocations Committee and further contribute to his service to our Church and community.
“I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate with the Vocations Office more closely through my role as Director for Catholic Youth Ministry. Our work also aligned, which is to help connect the young people in our Church to their vocation in life,” said Adam.
“In addition, I am looking forward to being able to help create stronger connections between our youths at the ministry with the Vocations Director and team for spiritual guidance, talks and information, should they want to discern into ordained ministry and/or religious life.”
Sharing personal Vocations journey
Both Catherine and Adam attribute their Vocations journey and answering God’s call to serve and care for others through being inspired by others in their parish and communities who showed these calls into actions.
“Recently a former parish priest of mine passed away and I was invited to talk at his memorial with Catholic Youth Ministry. Fr John had a huge impact on my life and faith growing up and I would not be a part of the Church today if it was not for his support,” shared Adam.
“A lifetime of experiences and interactions have guided me. My family, teachers, priests, and friends have encouraged a love for God, a life of prayer and how to live in the service of others modelled through their own example. I’ve been lucky to have so many positive role models who have influenced me,” said Catherine.
Get in touch with Adam, Catherine and the Vocations Committee
The Vocations Committee gathered for the first time for the 2024 year on 13 February 2024 at St Mary’s Cathedral. It was Adam and Catherine’s first meeting, contributing their expertise and support for a year of collaborating and supporting under the Vocations Office.
There, Adam and Catherine also shared their message for others thinking about their Vocations journey:
“Be open to the unexpected, don’t limit your potential for the amazing things God can do through you, with your life.” – Adam
“Your yes, in response to God’s call for your life and chosen vocation – priest, religious, married, or single – will change the world, not once but again and again. It is a life of love – the love of Christ, and will bring strength, healing, power, and beauty.” – Catherine.
If you want to contact Adam and Catherine (or other Committee members) on all things Vocations, please send the Vocations Office a message.